Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kaz and Spyda Dumpin' on Nintendo (now with swearing)

Spyda says:
 80 dollar price drop on 3DS. Now I can afford to pick one up and play... uhh... hmm...
Kaz says:
 It's okay, though. They're giving anyone who already has a 3DS 80 dollars worth of NES and a couple crappy GBA games.
 So it's not like they dicked you out of your money, they just tricked you into buying 80 dollars of shit you don't want.
 But hey, Ocarina of Time again. I bet that was a fun 8 hours you probably won't bother to play again.
 Well, there is the Master Quest.
 I think this is the fastest, most significant price drop I've seen on a Nintendo system since... well... I hate to make the obvious comparison, but the Virtual Boy.
Spyda says:
 I don't want to sound like a vanor, but here it is:
 No one really cares about 3D.
 Not on the consumer level, at least.
Kaz says:
 Pretty much.
 And the WiiU... I'm sure there are lots of smart people at Nintendo in R&D and strategy who know what they're doing, but I can't help thinking someone said "Hmm. These portable games on the iPhone and such are doing great. But we're not gonna sell cheap games, it would be a waste of our valuable IPs and rabid install base. What do people like about these smartphone games besides the price?"
 "I know... the TOUCHSCREEN!"
Spyda says:
 It has all the inconveniences of modern video gaming, and all the inconveniences of iphone gaming!
Kaz says:
 I don't feel bad about being small-minded about the potential of the WiiU, because God knows the Kinect and Move turned out to be just as useless as I predicted, but how the hell are you going to make a Mario game on the WiiU? How the hell are you going to do ANYTHING besides WiiU Sports?
Spyda says:
 Other than practically ignoring the screeny controller, which... why even make it?
Kaz says:
 Do you guys even know? I don't believe you do anymore. I think you're just waiting and praying and hoping a third party comes along and figures out how to do something brilliant with it you haven't thought of, like you did with the Wii and like Sony and MS did with their shit and totally failed.
 God, the MotionPlus. What a fucking joke. Three years for it to come along and restore the potential we all believed the Wii would have, only to find out that that didn't actually have any fun application either.
Spyda says:
 Well... uh... here comes Skyward Sword?
Kaz says:
 Yay. And all the Nintendo fanboys will choke back their tears and tell themselves it was so worth it. It was so much better than stupid Red Dead Redemption and Uncharted 2 and Portal. Those fags with their other consoles just WISH they had a game as good as Skyward Sword.
 Don't you understand? NINTENDO LOVES ME!
Spyda says:
 They gave me a Pikachu!

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